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1940年 | Wang Changkai was born in a literary family in Zhengding County,Hebei Province.His grandfather was a scholar and landscape painter of the Ching Dynasty.In.uenced by his grandfather,Wang developed a genuine love for painting since early in his childhood;
1940年 | 生于河北正定县的诗书世家,祖父是山水画家,自幼受其影响,酷爱绘画;
1957年 | Admitted to the preparatory class of Beijing Art Academy;
1957年 | 考入北京艺术学院预科;
1960年 | Promoted to be an undergraduate in Beijing Art Academy;majored in Oil Painting;selected into Wu Guanzhong Study Workshop;
1960年 | 升读北京艺术学院本科,被选入吴冠中先生工作室,专习油画;
1963年 | Graduated in Beijing Art Academy;started his career of art education for 15 years;
1963年 | 于北京艺术学院毕业,其后从事美术教育工作达十五年;
1978年 | Appointed to serve in the Art and Cultural Trope of National Workers Union with taking charge of Stage Design;
1978年 | 调入全国总工会文工团,从事舞台美术工作;
1982-1987 | Seven of his works,such as
1982-1987年 | 《海滨》、《鸽子》等七幅作品被中国对外展览公司展出及收藏;
1989年 | In Beijing with five students is held jointly " six oil painting works exhibition";
1989年 | 于北京与五位同学联合举办“六人油画作品展”;
1990年 | Invited to hold solo exhibition in Singapore.After returning to Beijing,he established the Research Institute of Chinese Art with Li Xiushi,and organized the“First Exhibition of Landscape Oil Painting”;
1990年 | 应邀赴新加坡举办个人画展。回京后与李秀实共同筹办中华美术研究院,并成功组织举办“首届风景油画展”;
1991年 | Participated in“Group Exhibition of Wu Guanzhong and His Students” in Beijing Museum of History.The painting “Sounds of the Sea” was collected by German Consulate.This exhibition was then moved to Hong Kong;
1991年 | 参加在北京历史博物馆举行的“吴冠中师生作品展”,作品《海韵》被德国外交馆收藏,后展览巡回至香港展出;
1992-1993 | Paintings were selected to participate in the .rst and the second”Oil Painting Annual of China”;
1992-1993年 | 作品获选参加第一、二届“中国油画年展”;
1993年 | Works selected to take part in the first, the two "Chinese oil painting exhibition ";
1993年 | 作品获选参加第一、二届“中国油画年展”;
1995年 | Participated in the second“Art Exposition of China”in Guangzhou.In the same year,he was invited to paint“Passion for Hainan” for the hall of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;
1995年 | 参加广州“中国第二届艺术博览会”;
同年,为全国政协礼堂创作《海南情》; |
1996年 | 2nd Solo Exhibition in Crowne Plaza Museum in Beijing.Mr.Wu Guanzhong attended and made a speech;
1996年 | 于北京国际艺苑美术馆举办第二次个人油画作品展,吴冠中先生莅临并主持讲话;
1997年 | 3rd Solo Exhibition in Taipei and Taichung.The album“Collection of Wang Changkai” was published;
1997年 | 在台北、台中市举办第三次个人油画作品展,并出版《王昌楷画集》;
1998年 | 4th Solo Exhibition in Mitsukoshi Gallery in Tokyo,Japan;
1998年 | 由日本浩庸株式会社承办,于东京三越画廊举办第四次个人油画作品展;
1999年 | Entrusted by Mr Wu Guanzhong,Wang organized”Solo Exhibition of Wu Guanzhong”;
In the same year,his work“March”was selected to participate in“Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Painting and Oil Painting of Landscape”,hosted by Oil Painting Association of China; |
1999年 | 受吴冠中先生委托筹备由文化部主办的“吴冠中画展”;
同年,作品《三月》参加中国油画学会主办的“中国山水画与油画风景画展”; |
2000年 | Participated in“Grand Exhibition-In Celebration of Macau's return to China” organized by the China Revolution History Museum;
2000年 | 参加中国革命历史博物馆举办的“澳门回归画展”;
2001年 | Participated in“Fragrant Courtyard-Group Exhibition of Beijing Art Academy Alumni”;
2001年 | 参加名为“天香庭院之北京艺术学院校友画展”;
2003年 | 5th Solo Exhibition in He Xiangning Art Museum.Second solo album was published;
2003年 | 于何香凝美术馆举办第五次个展。并出版第二本画册《王昌楷作品集》;
2004年 | Two of his works“Look Back on Sanya Bay”and”Pure Land”attracted much attention in China Guardian in Guangzhou;
2004年 | 作品《回眸三亚湾》和《高原净土》在广州嘉德拍卖会上引起各方关注;
2006年 | In March,his 6th solo exhibition was organized by Wan Fung Art Gallery in Beijing.His 3rd solo album was also published.The exhibition then traveled to Shanghai and Guangdong;
In December,Wan Fung Art Gallery in Hong Kong organized his 7th“Oriental Sentiment·Grand Exhibition of Wang Changkai”.CCTV,Hunan TV,Phoenix TV,ATV and press corps made special trips to cover the event.His 4th album“Oriental Sentiment·Collected Works by Wang Changkai” was born; |
2006年 | 3月在北京举办第六次个人油画作品展,出版第三本画册《王昌楷作品集》。后于上海、广东巡回展出;
12月在香港举办第七次个人画展“东方情愫·王昌楷艺术大展”。中央电视台、湖南卫视、凤凰卫视、亚 洲电视台及多家新闻艺术媒体专程赴展,并予以深入报导。出版第四本画册《东方情愫 ·王昌楷艺术作品集》; |
2007年 | In November,he participated in an auction organized by Hainan Taida Auction celebrating the Hainan Fiesta.His works“A Date with the Flame Blossom”,“A Remote Dream”,“Rain and Dew” were auctioned off.;
In December,his 8th solo exhibition“Soul Imagery·New Works by Wang Changkai” was held in Beijing Wan Fung Art Gallery.An album of the same theme was published ; |
2007年 | 11月参加“海南泰达欢乐节艺术品拍卖会”,作品《凤求凰》、《一帘幽梦》、《雨露育年华》均被成功拍出;
12月在北京举办第八次个人油画作品巡回展。出版第五本画册《心灵意象·王昌楷近作集》; |
2008年 | Hainan Taida Art Gallery organized a solo exhibition“Passion for Hainan” for Mr Wang;
In November,Mr Wang participated in the Shanghai Economics and Finance Exposition; |
2008年 | 于海南美丽道艺术中心举办“激情海南?王昌楷油画作品展”,并将作品《椰风海韵》的拍卖款捐献给海南慈善事业
同年11月参展上海财经博览会; |
2009年 | Wang Fung Art Gallery in Hong Kong and Hainan Taida Art Gallery jointly organized“New Works by Wang Changkai” exhibition tour in Guangdong,Hong Kong,Hangzhou and Beijing.His 6th art album“New Works of Oil Painting by Wang Changkai” was published;
2009年 | 由海南美丽道艺术中心、香港云峰画苑联合举办“王昌楷新作展”,并巡回至广东、香港、杭州、北京展出。出版第六本个人画集《王昌楷油画新作集》;
2010年 | View from Hight -Wang Changkai's Oil Painting Exhibition was held in Chinese Art Gallery,which was hosted by Hainan provincial publicity of.ce,and operated by Hainan Beauty Tao Art Centre & Hongkong Yunfeng Gallery;
2010年 | 11月2日由中共海南省委宣传部主办,海南美丽道艺术中心、香港云峰画苑承办,“站在高处看风景_王昌楷油画作品展”在中国美术馆举办,出版第七本个人画集《王昌楷油画作品集》。11月26日在海南省博物馆举办汇报展并捐赠作品《享受辉煌》;
2011年 | Wang Changkai Hunan travel and sketch exhibition held at the Hunan Art Gallery;
2011年 | 6月15日王昌楷师生湖南旅行写生作品展在湖南艺术玩家品画馆隆重举行;